The Joy of Hair

Oh the joy of loosing hair during winter!!! I swear I have given up! I'm slowly coming to the realization that God had things worked out when he gave me kinky hair huko in the womb. Females living in the near tundra regions (ohio could be one for all I care) can feel my pain. I remember not so long ago having to be dragged to the local hairdresser down the street. I'm sure you kumbuka the dusty kibanda with hair piece all over the floor. Artwork on the walls mainly consisted of hair designs artistically drawn on a board and a cracked mirror. All you had to say was "Nataka namba 1" (I want #1) and an exact replica would be masterfully produced on your head. Woe unto those who had serious visogos coz the style would take a dramatic twist unlike what was requested. It didn't help that as kids we had to sit on a low stool and when it came to the "banana" hairstyle, our faces were shoved into female nether regions for a good 20 minutes plus..... (retching...).
Braiding might be an option but the pain of sleeping shingo upande for subsequent days may be distressing to some. That is why I'm contemplating to nyoa yote!! I need to start from scratch, begin some neat dreads maybe. Manenoz of relaxerz kando! Considering you have to part with a cool $60 out here, natural may be the way to go for myself. So, if any ladies/gents perchance come across this post, hit me up and let me know how you feel.
i feel you on the no more relaxers thing. me and my dreads have been going strong for almost four years - mimi and karangaing hair don't mix!
Welcome to au naturale hair. I went natural, kinky etc and I have never looked back since
Thank goodness for the jordan haircut for us jamaas.
LOL at the confinement to female nether regions for banana and visogos that cant take numba 1.
I can just imagine the skeptical look on the hair dresser as a selection is made by a curved-headed custo LOL
I once used to have my hair cut by a female barber marmer? The joy, oh the sweet joy!!! At the end would be tempted to ask her - "Was it good for you too?"
Mmm mmm mmm - the memories!!
As spicebears says, go with the dreads, kabinti. I have not looked back since I started growing mine 5 years ago!
Welcome to blogsphere. Dread your hair girl, the only way to go. Like Spicey, I too do not believe in cooking hair.
Thank you all!!
@ Spicebear, Irena, Mshairi and Uaridi - Great to have such a wonderful support system. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
@ Milonare - Consider yourself lucky with the Jordan, on some days i have thoroughly considered going in that direction lakini that's a storo for another day! lol ati female barber = marmer :o)
I have had braids (done in Kenya) for a while now (ok done on my two subsequent visits) and I am thinking seriously of having my hair locked - I cut my hair to natural in July so it has 'grown' but I have the softest hair in the world - this side of the womb if I have to be precise.
I need to speak to veterans of locks to see if my hair qualifies :( *sob*
Let me know how it pans out
Isnt Milo the wickedest weirdest blog whore this side of blogging.
Marmer - you kilt me ..
(BTW I am pissed you got here before me - that radar of yours is connected to some 'out there satelite'
Sorry Kabinti - us KBW beings are wont to starting blog wars ovyo ovyo in strange blogs - ignore us - and better still, feel free to kick our backsides - every one else does :)
Hairdos & maintenance has been a pain in the scalp for many African immigrant ladies here.
Sad to note that what used to take a walk-in and a few blue Kenyan notes requires an appointment and atleast a smiling Benjamin to get your hairdid
Same applies to guys...I used to get my haircuts for near zero Kshs but I after 2 costly haircuts over here I decided to cut my own hair at home since my 2 month here.
PS: Just wondering, where in the BuckEye are you based?
Welcome Kabinti to natural hair. I went back to nappy roots after i had hair loss fiasco with a certain relaxer(name withheld).
I have never looked back.
Braids all the way for me babie! But i did invest in a 'choma' the hot comb so as to straiten out the roots when the need arises.
Welcome to blogworld. I hope that you have lots of exciting stories to tell us hungry ones. Thanks for vising my house!
Go natural..I''s the best thing ever!.I'm not sure I wanna go the dreadlock route yet,(if ever)but I'm loving my 'fro..Its soo good to wash my hair as often as I like, cost is minimal-just shampoos, conditioners and 4hrs spent in hair salons while they overcook my hair, and use cheap, moisture-stripping shampoos on my hair. LOVE IT!
@ guess - i haven't done it yet, my head is adorned in braids for now lakini siku inakaribia
@ akiey that shall remain a mystery :o)
@ kelitu - i am so afraid of the hotcomb coz back home i have been known to rock a few burns on my ears coz of attempting to hotcomb my hair heheh
@ mmk - lazima tuwasiliane
@ medusa - hear hear! will be joining your ranks soon :o)
The manufaturers of heir relaxers will not like the bunch that is congregated here slinging mud ovyo at their products. Lakini I went natural a year ago after disastrous experience with the aforementioned products. There is nothing as good as walking in the rain cos your hair will be manageable the next day not a tangle of rat tails you have to condition to pass a comb through.
I have not considered doing locks yet but do braid once in a while to break the monotony.
Karibu KBW we hope to see more of you.
I'd love to keep long hair but my job would not let me.
Also first time here and great stuff you have. Later & nice weekend.
I see my two aunties have been here? Our family has about 6 people with dreads.
I locked my hair in 2000 and have never ever looked back.
I could blog on your blog on the joys of locking!
If you want tips, photos, inspiration just email me.
@ Prousette - i agree wholeheartedly, kwanza I miss that feeling of i can go swimming and not give a fuck :o)
@ brother J - thanks man! definitely appreciate the love :o)
@ Mama J- tips, pics and kadhalika are awaited on with bated breath!
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