Investing in our own...

Been procrastinating on blogging the past few weeks. I know I promised to blog a little about the African Children's Choir since tene. I did go to the concert and I left wanting to take all those kids home with me. The children in the choir have experienced hardship be it through the death of a family member from HIV or from dire poverty. They tour and perform globally in efforts to raise more money for other children who they have left behind and also for those who are unseen yet exist. Most of the proceeds go towards education from primary through university. Each year a new choir is selected from different African countries. This particular choir was composed of kids from Kenya and Uganda (they have kids also from Rwanda, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria). The Kenyan kids were mainly from Mombasa.
Needless to say the perfomances were amazing and energetic. The show brought back memories of how kids in Kenya and in Africa as a whole perform to the max showing some serious stage discipline and always with a smile. If you get a chance to see the kids please do so you can read more about their schedule on their website (they will be in the UK this summer). Apparently they have been touring all over Stato and have been here since Jan and will be going back to Kenya or Uganda at the end of the year. I asked one girl which state she liked best in their tour and she said she loved the places where she had met Kenyans (insert serious sniff here) - that should be incentive for you blogosphere to come out and support them. You can listen to one song Parapanda here (the link is also on the first sentence of this page). If you get to see them, I hope you enjoy their perfomance as much as I did.
Flashback: I went to a big city kanjo primo. Friday assembly always amused me since we had to sing the national anthem (in swa or kimombo). Considering that we had classes from pre-unit to standard eight and each standard had at least 150 kids we always ended up singing the anthem in rounds i.e we would start together but the upper primary kids would go through the anthem chepchep and the lower primary kids would sing polepole resulting in a resounding echo :o)
Hey Kabinti, thanks for this. I will certainly look out for them.
p.s. the link to the song is not working and cannot be found.
Kabinti - yes I echo Mshairi - was waiting for this info and will look out for them in the summer.
I always love when kids sing - its not like when adults do and they have to worry about stuff, kids have an innocence you could never duplicate as an adult.
I felt a knot in my throat as I was reading this, cant wait
I watched them last year when they came to Georgia.... it was AMAZING! Those kids are so full of LIFE...... I loved it!
@ Mshairi- pole sana, i've tried to fix it so hopefully it will work. Under see the choir the first sentence on the page has a link to the file. Jienjoy!
@ Guess - You will find innocence galore when you see them perform. Plus they get so excited when you go and see them after the show and tell them you are from Kenya. They all mill around you smiling and asking questions.
@ movie buff - I echo your sentiments :o)
When they came to the UK many years ago, the kids were a sensation. I love their songs.
P.S I was able to hear the song - thanks for sharing
I love the smiles, the way they are full of life. They are examples to us all. Thanks for blogging this.
thanks for the link, listening to them was just amazing!
good info you have here,, i will most definately be on the look out for them
@ uaridi - no problem, glad to share :o)
@ MA - you are welcome and karibu
@ Spice - thanks, see if you can catch them, it's better live
Thanks for sharing this its soo sweet the voices amazing..
Tell the person who wrote the clip is parapanda not parapunda.
BTW the pics are up
Thanks for visiting with me at my Luhya blog. Nyasaye akhulinde :-)
There's something about kids' voices ...
LOL @The anthem! Do you still remember the loyalty pledge?
@ Nakeel - Thanks chica! bila idea about how to contact the person lakini if i find a way i'll be sure to!
@kenyan analyst - Orio
@Thinker - werokamu and I do not remember the pledge, will try writing it down at work during downtime to see if i remember it. I think in high school we had another one called "God bless our country Kenya" don't remember all the words tho'
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